When I was a little girl, my grandmother told me, “Danielle, your soul is fierce, your heart is brave, and your mind is strong.” At the time, I didn’t truly understand what she meant, but her words made an impact on me that has carried me all the way to today. I wish she were here so I could tell her: I get it now, and thank you for raising me that way.
Reflecting on Another Year
Birthdays are always such a special time. Not just to celebrate with the ones you love, but to reflect on the past year, all the years before, and where you want to go next. Through all my ups and downs, relentless years of sharing tips and tricks, sad times, good times, successes, and failures, I get to celebrate another year here. Having experienced profound loss in my life, I understand how precious our time is. I want to walk into this next year with the utmost gratitude for everything I accomplished, for whom I have been able to help, and for those who are my ride or die, whether my staff, my friends, or my family, I am so immeasurably grateful.
Going All Out
Every year, I throw a holiday birthday party with all the ones I love most—friends, family, colleagues, neighbors, my favorite dogs. It’s become not only a highlight for me, but for all of my people, too! This year I wanted to go big with a fashionable, flirty, and fun theme. I went with a theme all my own, Carrie Bradshaw meets Bridgerton. You’ve got the fashion, you’ve got the flirt, and we definitely delivered on the fun.
Check out more party fun and follow us on City Girl Gone Mom TikTok!
All the Details
We hosted the party at our place to make it easy and pulled out pink decorations of every shade. My look matched the vibe with my totally beyond Love Shack Fancy dress. The tiers! The ruffles! It’s such a mood. I altered the dress to show a little leg and used that fabric to make a matching headpiece. I guess you could say I was channeling my inner Brody! Mama Gorgeous only celebrates her birthday once a year, you know!
One thing that really made the night was our photo booth. It’s so easy and such a hit with all the guests. You can create a cute backdrop and stock the area with props to make the photos even more amazing, like wigs, glasses, boas, sparkles. It turned out to be such a memorable part of the night, and it’s been so fun to look through all the photos everyone took that night.
Gratitude, Gratitude, Gratitude
It’s not just about counting your years, but making your years count. I’m excited to go into this next year with more adventure, laughs, goals, and love. To everyone who showed up and to all of you who wished me a happy birthday, thank you. Thank you for being here, thank you for being so amazing. I’m so grateful for our little community. I hear you, and I see you. And I get you. Life is beautiful. Cheers to the next wonderful chapters.