How Home Meal Kits Are Making Family Dinner Easy
This Post Is Sponsored By Blue Apron! As Always, All Opinions Are My Own! Thank You For Supporting CityGirlGoneMom!
How Home Meal Kits Are Making Family Dinner Easy
Is it me, or is meal planning under quarantine almost impossible? Sure, there’s extra time for cooking and planning, but with limited ingredients, few take-out options and all of the kids getting bored of the same foods over and over, it feels like we’re hitting a culinary wall. I want my family to eat healthy food, but it has to taste great too. Thankfully, a friend of mine told me about Blue Apron and how it has been a lifesaver for her family, so I gave it a try.
Blue Apron delivers the perfectly portioned meal kits with ingredients you need in order to cook delicious, chef-inspired and seasonal recipes at your home. No trips to the grocery store and no waste from unused ingredients. And Blue Apron recipes are delivered in a refrigerated box so ingredients will stay fresh from door to door.
A large part of the population is not getting enough omega-3 fats from their diet. Avoiding a deficiency in these essential fatty acids may help prevent many diseases.
Feed the Whole Family
Blue Apron is offered nationwide and offers flexible plans. Their classic two-person plan will set you up to receive one delivery a week; you’ll receive three inventive meals for two people. Their Family Plan—which works best for my family—is perfect for feeding a family of four. (Or in my case two adults and four littles!)
And with Roman being such a picky eater, and Brody eating toddler portions, this plan works best for us. It says it feeds four, but it definitely feeds all of us. You can opt to receive either one or two deliveries per week. Each delivery consists of two family-style meals. For us, we are getting four family-style meals per week and there’s always something new to try.
Additionally, one thing my husband and I struggle with is portion control. Being an Italian momma I always went up for seconds. With Blue Apron each menu is between 500 and 700 calories per person and leaves you feeling FULL! No need for seconds here. I truly love this aspect of their meals.
Vegetables are rich in all sorts of nutrients. Eating vegetables is associated with improved health and a lower risk of disease.
Eat Fresh, Easy Food
Their ingredients are incredibly fresh and sourced from small family farms and artisans with seasonal, unique ingredients that are hard to find at your typical grocery store. Definitely exactly what I have been looking for. Their knick-knack bag has everything you could possibly need for the recipe at hand. So if you need two tablespoons of butter, it’s in there.
I really love how great this is for families. I am able to spend quality time with my family, trying new, healthy dishes that are extremely kid-friendly. Right now, it’s easy to get meal fatigue, but with a step-by-step colorful recipe, it feels like we’re eating something totally new and unexpected. If I could have Blue Apron on speed dial I would thank them for creating such an amazing system that has my family eating so well, even on lockdown.
Whole grains are an excellent source of fiber. This fiber aids in your digestion and may lower your risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
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Thanks for the idea. We’re loving our free trial!
I am saving my trial for August, when it is crazy around here with cheer and football! I have also started ordering my weekly groceries online, I schedule a time for them to be delivered, and I can clean, or do laundry, or school work, while I am “shopping”…I am kicking myself for not doing it sooner. It takes a little getting use to, but overall, I am hooked!
Thanks for sharing your story angela