It’s been my hope since the first day I gave birth to my first child that every one of my kids (a total of four healthy, happy, loving kids) has acceptance baked into their worldview. Inclusivity can lead to transformative change in this world and in my opinion, it starts at home. Be a role model to your children, and teach them that love, acceptance, and kindness comes first!
Hate Doesn’t Live Here
The other day, one of our supporters DMed me a hateful video that was posted on another mother’s account. The first thing I said to myself was wow, a mom to five children is posting MY CHILD on her feed. Who does that? I was raised, and continue to raise my children, that we are all one. Children are not born judging people of a particular race, gender, or ethnicity. I am saying this very loud to the people in the back: children do not naturally discriminate.
The reason why I mention this horrible video is because it has reminded me of the impact we have on our children’s lives. You’re thinking, duh, Danielle, of course! But our views become their views. Our kids are so often influenced by our opinions at a young age. I don’t know much about this woman. But what I do know is that she is teaching her five kids to judge, to hate, to ridicule other people’s kids. And that is the problem.
Our Role, Our Responsibility
Good humans start at home. We as parents hold the responsibility to encourage anti-hate, anti-judgment, and anti-racism within our kids. When we raise caring, kind, inclusive kids, it without a doubt makes the world a better place. Imagine a decrease in bullying, stress, depression — we all deserve that life!
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Lead the Way to Kindness
We already know Brody is happy, confident, and certainly thriving in being himself. This is a reminder to let kids be kids, have fun, and be the role model they need. I can assure you that teaching hate is a choice and it’s truly not a good one. Like Mother Theresa said, “Love begins at home and it is not how much we do, but how much love we put in the action that we do.”
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