Plan the perfect Halloween party with these creative and healthy Halloween ideas. From spooky snacks to festive drinks, make this Halloween a memorable and wholesome celebration for kids and adults alike. Discover fun and delicious treats that keep the Halloween spirit alive while curbing the candy craze. Get ready for a spooktacular and health-conscious Halloween bash!
Halloween is just over a month away and throwing a party for the kids is an absolute must. Nothing beats throwing a festive party when you are a mom. There is something so fun about putting the kids in costumes, decorating with pumpkins, enjoying healthy Halloween treats, and listening to spooky-themed music. And there is no need to get spooked by all the candy, just because it is that time of year. After scouring Pinterest for some healthy Halloween recipes, I figured out some creative ways to keep the sweets at bay, all while keeping the Halloween spirit in mind.
According to Guinness World Records, the highest number of lit jack o’ lanterns on display is 30,581 by the City of Keene, New Hampshire in 2013.
Curb The Candy Craze
This year it’s all about creating a much healthier option that the kids will be excited about. One trick I learned is to have your kids help and get them excited about decorating food to look like ghosts and goblins. It’s all about healthy treats and snacks with a spooky twist for Halloween fun.
This is easier than it looks! Just whip up some of my homemade guacamole and grab sour cream, olives, refried beans, and blue corn tortilla chips. Then spread the guac in a large (on the square side) plate and add the chips designed as hair as you go! Use dopplers of sour cream as eyes and black olives as the insert. Use refried beans in a dessert squeezer to make the mouth! Super easy Halloween treats! Plus it helps if you have the kids make it. It certainly is so much better when the kids are involved.
Popcorn In Jack-O-Lantern Cups
Just have the kids fill pre-made cups with your favorite popcorn and place them around the table. If you can’t find them pre-made, have the kids draw in their faces. My daughter particularly enjoys doing that! Popcorn is always at the top of the list for fun treats so make sure to make enough.
There’s a $1,000 fine for using or selling Silly String in Hollywood on Halloween.
Mummy Celery Sticks
All you need is a celery stick, cream cheese, your favorite deli meat (we use ham!), and some cranberries for the eyes. Then cut the celery into two sticks, spread the cream cheese, and slice the ham at an angle so it will crisscross easily. Add the cranberries for the eyes, and you’ve got a spooky snack!
PB & J Spider Sandwiches
Hands down my favorite for fun treatsx! For this, we use the pre-made PB & J sandwiches (the round ones). If you can’t find them, cut out your own PB & J creations! Then add mini chocolate chips for eyes and push pretzel sticks into the side for creepy crawly legs! So scary!
The word “witch” comes from the Old English wicce, meaning “wise woman.” In fact, Wiccans were highly respected people at one time.
Orange Fruit Cups
This is one of the healthiest treats we make! This is a fun way to get kids to eat healthy options. Cut out a few oranges to fill with various fresh fruit. I chose blueberries, raspberries and blackberries. You can also take a pumpkin carving kit and cut the oranges to have Jack-o-lantern faces! Then just fill the orange with berries! Small mandarin oranges work too for a smaller serving bowl.
Check out all my healthy snacks on the City Girl Gone Mom Pinterest board!
Franken Grapes
Honestly, I have never seen my kids so excited to eat grapes. I just recycled containers and created Franken Grape Cups. It’s all about purchasing googly eyes for the Halloween season and be sure to get a variety of sizes. Then add the eyes, draw on some hair, and fill the cups up with green grapes! Such an easy and fun Halloween snack for Halloween parties and it takes such little time.
Mummy Apple Sauce
If you dress up these healthy Halloween snacks, like fruit cups, apple sauce, and cheeses in a fun, festive way, the kids gravitate towards them more. Just get some streamers and start wrapping! Don’t forget the googly eyes! Works like a charm. This is an easy idea for less sugar and creating a healthy lifestyle for the whole family.
Stuffed Jack-O-Lantern Peppers
This one is super easy and all you need is a pumpkin carving kit to cut out the faces and orange bell peppers. We stuffed ours with meat sauce, but you can do anything like your favorite dish. My husband preferred guacamole. It is a healthy dinner recipe for Halloween festivities.
Stephen Clarke holds the record for the world’s fastest pumpkin carving time: 24.03 seconds.
Ghost Cheese Sticks
The kids love making ghosts out of these cheese sticks. All you need is your favorite cheese and a black sharpie and put them to work! It is the perfect way to get them involved. These ghost cheese sticks are the perfect choice for school parties too. Having healthier options at all the parties is a great way to get kids to eating healthy recipes.
Cheese Cut-Outs
For those that like cheese and crackers be sure to buy a small pumpkin and ghost cutout. It makes such a festive look! Just take the cheese slices and cut them out into fun and festive holiday shapes. It makes cheese and crackers so much scarier!
The first known mention of trick-or-treating in print in North America occurred in 1927 in Blackie, Alberta, Canada.
Mummy Dogs
I love this one because you can wrap zucchini as an alternative. Just buy your favorite pop-open dough and start wrapping your hot dogs! Then bake accordingly.
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Monster Apples
This one looks a lot harder than it is. Just cut the mouth on the apple and place edible eyes with peanut butter. I prefer three. And use sunflower seeds or sliced almonds as the teeth. We used dried fruit for the tongue. Definitely paint in lemon juice to avoid turning the apple brown though.
According to urban legend, if a person wears their clothes inside out and then walks backward on Halloween, they’ll see a witch at midnight.
Monster Fruit Cups
If you can find green jello cups, grab them. We found red jello fruit cups and all you do is turn them upside down. Head to your local craft store and grab a glue gun, black pon poms, and black feathers. Add some googly eyes and a mouth and you are done.
Don’t Forget Dessert
Of course, we allow for some dessert (and just a little candy)! For our last party, we found the best kid at our school who just loves to bake and make sweet treats. We were so happy, she made a spooky witch cake and cupcakes. It’s ok to allow for sweets, but don’t make it the main focus of the party. My kids had just as much fun and didn’t even realize there were only two desserts.
Approximately 11.5 percent of Americans dress up their pets every year. Pumpkins are the most popular pet costumes.
Mix In Some Adult Drinks
I highly recommend when serving your mama friends you opt for something green and something red. We chose Sangria and the Green Vodka Cocktail. The trick is all about the presentation and dry ice is certainly winning this Halloween. Just remember to measure out your drinks! Drinking too much at a Halloween party would be the real horror!
Enjoying the Best of Halloween
I hope you have the best Halloween party and if you use any of these ideas, please let me know if they were a success! May your party be spooky, fun, and just a little bit healthier this year! Happy (Healthy) Halloween!
I’m delighted I came across this piece. It’s something I really enjoy.
I loved all the great fun Halloween snacks. I wish I had these when EJ was little. But still may do some to make her day fun. She’s special needs and still loves to celebrate. Thank you !