Screening HBO Sharp Objects with the San Diego International Film Festival #screening #sandiegofilmfestival #hbo #sharpobjects #citygirlgonemom
Photo Credit: Trenton Badillo

My entire family is a huge supporter of the San Diego International Film Festival. Supporting local arts is a passion of ours, especially with several of my kiddos in the film industry! I love everything about attending screenings and film festivals—from walking the red carpet to hearing the actors, directors, and producers talk about their experiences on and off stage. Getting these backstage glimpses makes watching the show that much more personal.

I was lucky enough to attend a recent screening of HBO’s limited miniseries SHARP OBJECTS, starring Amy Adams alongside co-stars Patricia Clarkson, Chris Messina, Eliza Scanlen, Elizabeth Perkins and Matt Craven. The setting was perfect at Arclight Cinemas located at Westfield UTC in La Jolla, California.

Taylor John Smith and Tonya Mantooth #screening #sandiegofilmfestival #hbo #sharpobjects
Photo Credit: Trenton Badillo | Taylor John Smith & Tonya Mantooth
Craft Pizza on the Table #moviescreening #sandiegofilmfestival #hbo #sharpobjects #pizza
Photo Credit: Carlo Toribio
Delicious Food #moviescreening #sandiegofilmfestival #hbo #sharpobjects
Photo Credit: Carlo Toribio

Based on the book of the same name by New York Times bestselling author Gillian Flynn, this eight-episode series tells the story of reporter Camille Preaker who returns to her small hometown to cover the murders of two preteen girls. Trying to put together a psychological puzzle from her past, she finds herself identifying with the young victims a bit too closely.

Premiering on HBO on July 8th, this series will have you on the edge of your seat. Definitely a show you’ll want to watch with your significant other after the kids have gone to bed, it’s gritty and raw, and definitely thought-provoking. While your children may remember Adams from Enchanted, this role is quite the opposite of her cheery Disney disposition.

After the showing, we got to talk to Jessica Rhoades, executive producer of the show, and Taylor John Smith, the actor who plays John Keene. Taylor was great to listen to. He’s beyond humble and so thankful for the experience of being on the show. He said it was hard to work with the big dogs, but connecting with them made it easier and more welcoming. And of course, he’s an amazing actor!

Taylor John Smith Speaking #moviescreening #sandiegofilmfestival #hbo #sharpobjects
Photo Credit: Trenton Badillo
Taylor John Smith Sitting holding a Micrphone #moviescreening #sandiegofilmfestival #hbo #sharpobjects
Photo Credit: Trenton Badillo
Actors in the Theater #moviescreening #sandiegofilmfestival #hbo #sharpobjects
Photo Credit: Trenton Badillo
Ruben Chato Jr and David Lincoln #moviescreening #sandiegofilmfestival #hbo #sharpobjects
Photo Credit: Trenton Badillo – Ruben Chato Jr. & David Lincoln

Jessica spoke very highly of show creator Marti Noxon. She said she loves all writers and followed Marti as her inspiration. She’s a huge Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan and watches reruns of FX. She told us all not to wait for your career. “Live your life. Don’t wait. The experience is everything.” She also spoke about the #metoo movement. Everything is moving forward and there is hope for opening doors to say, “that’s inappropriate.” Assault doesn’t define us. We are more than this moment!

I love working with the San Diego International Film Festival and you should absolutely consider supporting them as well. The festival itself is October 10-14th and passes are on sale now. The 120+ films are selected from thousands of submissions and after each screening you can participate in intimate discussions with the filmmakers and industry experts. This allows the audience to understand the creative process and the inspiration for each film. And don’t forget the parties! Opening night kicks off with a bang and an after party, Thursday night get star struck at VARIETY Night of the Stars Tribute, Friday Night it’s on to our Party with a Purpose, Saturday night join the Filmmakers Awards Show & party, and roll into Culinary Cinema on Sunday.


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20 thoughts on “Screening HBO Sharp Objects with the San Diego International Film Festival”

  1. We have never attended a film festival probably because we don’t live near one. All the food looks wonderful. Looks like you enjoyed yourself very much at the film festival.

  2. My husband and I attend a documentary film festival every year and I so understand how much you love yours! It’s the neatest feeling on earth when the main actors or the film maker are in attendance and come out to talk to you!

  3. I never heard of this show, but it definitely looks like something interesting. That screening party looks like it was a blast!. It would have been fun to have been there! I love meeting all sorts of people in this would be an interesting place to meet people.

  4. I would love to witness those kind of screening especially in San Diego film festival. What a great experience!

  5. What a unique experience and something my family would enjoy doing as well if we were in that area. In the meantime. I hadn’t heard of the book or show so I will have to watch for it as it sounds like something my husband would enjoy watching and a book I would enjoy reading.

  6. I would like to spend a day amoung all these interesting things. Going to International Film Festival must so exciting and a lot of fun!

  7. I have never experienced watching or attending San Diego Film Festival. Reading your post makes me
    Interested on it. Let’s see if I can be able to watch this film as well.


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