Every day I read messages from people all over the world talking about how our Boss Baby Brody has impacted them. I always knew our boy was special, but reading these messages, seeing you all connect with him when you see us out and about—it leaves me speechless. In a society where it’s more popular to fit with the “in crowd” than to do your own thing, our Brody is a constant reminder that originality will always shine. And he’s inspiring others to do the same!

boy dancing in Chicago boy giving his mom a kiss

Discovering Who You Are

I think the journey to self-discovery is a lifelong path. But that doesn’t mean you can’t start early! I don’t know anyone as true to themselves as our little ones. Before the burdens of society and peer pressure try to get to them, our kids are authentically themselves, no questions asked. They don’t know anything else!

But even as we get older, discovering who you are and what you stand for is a constantly morphing journey. We change and grow in wonderful ways and this can impact who we are, what we believe in, and what calls our hearts. I see Brody helping others of all ages to tap into this, to live boldly, and rewrite the rules of society to make sure there’s room for everyone.

boy leaning off bunk beds mom and son dancing in the streets in new york

Finding What You Love

It’s so inspiring to see someone live out their dreams. I think a lot of us are still under the impression that doing what you love is for daydreaming and hobbies. But pursuing your passions to the fullest unlocks a life worth living! Seeing Brody jump at every wonderful opportunity that comes his way makes me such a proud parent. It’s not about getting ahead, but fueling that part of yourself that yearns for big adventure and happiness.

There is no other Brody. He resonated with a lot of children and adults that were not allowed to authentically be themselves growing up. He expresses himself through dance. That’s his outlet. All of us have a passion, a hobby, an interest that makes our hearts sing. It’s about finding it and going after it wholeheartedly.

Check out more family fun and follow us on City Girl Gone Mom TikTok!

mother and son with neon sign boy dancing

Sharing What You Love

I get messages all the time from people who wished they had the freedom to express themselves the way Brody does. What if each and every one of us decided to live with the same freedom? Imagine the impact we would make. It would be world-altering! The greatest gift we can give is to share Brody’s passion with all of you. I hope it inspires you all to do the same. To express yourself fully and share all of the things that make you shine. You are always worth celebrating!

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funny quote about loving yourself boy dancing in the street


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