Heres the thing about Pin-Up hairstyles: They never really go out of style! Celebrities and and some of the coolest Rock Stars from all over still flaunt this look and I think moms too can put their own spin on it. Sure, my kids look at me sideways, but you can be sure I get plenty of compliments on aisle five of the grocery store. And why not learn how to master vintage hair than with a former pin-up model herself. Malissa Moron is here to teach us how we too can polish this pin-up look.
Swoop & Loop Hair Style
Step 1:
Starting with the same set from style number one, Vintage Waves, part your hair from the crown of your head to behind each ear.
Step 2:
This time you will divide the front section into three parts.
Step 3:
Starting with the middle section of the three parts, backcomb the hair in 1/4 inch sections from root to ends. Comb entire section together to get a sleek finish to the front of the roll and spray with hairspray.
Step 4:
Slide fingers to one inch from ends and wrap ends around your middle and index finger and roll toward your scalp.
Step 5:
Gently remove your middle and index finger whilst securing the roll with bobby pins.
Step 6:
Spray hairspray over roll. Repeat on each side of the middle roll and then proceed to roll toward that middle section with the remaining two victory rolls.
Step 7:
Use a finishing spray and/or hairspray that works best for your texture of hair to contain your stunning Swoop n’ Loops.
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